Recently, Ambani siblings Isha and Akash got married to Anand Parimal and Shloka Mehta respectively. Now, their younger brother Anant Ambani is also all set to tie the knot with his girlfriend Radhika Merchant soon. However, the recent Ambani party wasn’t for their younger son. Not Anant, but Mukesh Ambani’s niece, Nayantara Kothari, is getting married. And this, of course, is a big reason for the Ambani family to celebrate. Just like they throw parties on other special occasions and festivals- whether it is Diwali, Durga Puja or New Year’s, the wealthiest family of India hosted another bash last night. And this one was Nayantara’s pre-wedding bash.
The lavish party hosted by the Ambanis definitely happened to be a star-struck night. In attendance were numerous celebrities from the film industry. Bollywood’s Badshah Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Shahid Kapoor & Mira Rajput were among the celebs who graced the bash. While SRK looked charming as always in an all-black suit, Aishwarya stole the show in a stunning red coloured salwar suit. Mira and Shahid Kapoor were all smiles and as always came holding hands.
Here Are All The Pictures From The Star-Struck Night
King Khan In All His Glory
Isn’t SRK’s all-black look coupled with those sweet dimples making your heart skip a beat?
Aishwarya & Abhishek Bachchan
Aishwarya looks like a goddess in red and we can’t take our eyes off her. The actress opted for a simple but elegant look and her husband, Abhishek seems to be perfectly complimenting her in every way possible. BTW, has anyone noticed that moustache definitely suits, Junior Bachchan?
Shahid & Mira Kapoor
The two give us major #CoupleGoals each time they step out. Mira looks like a vision in dusty pink saree while Shahid looks like a prince in white. The two look so happy together! *touchwood*
Anil Kapoor
Anil Kapoor seems to be growing younger by each passing day. Well, we have to say, his smile is definitely infectious!
Natasha & Adar Poonawalla
Hosts Snapped In Their Element
Tina Ambani
Anant Ambani
Ladies Of The Ambani House Rocked The Party In Anamika Khanna
The Ambani Bahus and Beti made a huge statement by wearing the same designer- Anamika Khanna and they all looked beautiful.
Isha Ambani
Shloka Mehta
Soon-To-Be Bride Radhika Merchant
Featured Image: Instagram
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