Baggy pants, boxy shorts, lacey shoes, messy hair. I found my look when I was 18. But I felt the ‘it’ factor was still missing until my boss showed me this really cool fanny pack! I took her word for it and bought one. And trust me, it was all I needed to feel complete.
Before you tell us that fanny packs are only for sad old tourists, take a moment to absorb in the awesome as shown below.
I, personally, like to keep my hands free, you know, so I can shove them in my pocket on a chilly morning or eat two softy cones at once. Let us now take you through the brilliance these bags have to offer. We picked 5 fanny packs, our new favourite, and here’s what ALL you can fit in these tiny little babies.
1. The ‘IT’ Fanny
This Fall’s favourite colour, red, and the good ‘ol Zara trust make this Belt Bag (Rs 1,890) a must-have. Why you ask? One, the added pop of colour, two, that structured cut.
What’s in my fanny pack: phone and credit card.
2. The ‘Who Needs A Belt’ Fanny
We love our accessories tan and fringed. This super fun Fanny Pack Belt (Rs 1,100) by Pieces is THE add-on your blue jeans-white shirt ensemble needs! Match your shoes with this one, ladies!
What’s in my fanny pack: lipstick and credit card.
3. The ‘B*tch Don’t Kill My Vibe’ Fanny
Boho with a hint of badass, if that’s your style, here’s a quirky af Pom Coin Fanny Pack (Rs 1,820) by ASOS. Switch on your #VacayMode and keep them bad vibes at bay.
What’s in my fanny pack: earphones, phone, lipstick, comb and credit card.
4. The ‘50 Shades Of Grey’ Fanny
This Leather Fanny Pack in Gray Suede (Rs 7,738) by Vagabond is what a warm hug must feel like. Cinch it around your waist to give your sweatshirt a boxy effect.
What’s in my fanny pack: earphones, phone, lipstick, and credit card.
5. The ‘Too Cool To Handle’ Fanny
This Classic Fanny Pack (Rs 1,885) by ASOS is perfect for the biker chick. Put on your sunglasses, ripped jeans, a crop top and combat boots to get your game on.
What’s in my fanny pack: phone, lipstick, comb and credit card.
What’s your fanny style, eh?