
#BeautyDiaries: I Used Vicks To Get Rid Of My Pimples And…

Srishti SabharwalSrishti Sabharwal  |  Nov 8, 2016
#BeautyDiaries: I Used Vicks To Get Rid Of My Pimples And…

Aren’t pimples a big deal when you’re 19? Well, they definitely were for me. Not only because they’re like uninvited guests with terrible timing, who show up just before an important event, but also because I had been battling with acne since I was 13! My teenage phase – the apparent cause of my acne, was also coming to an end now with no sign of the clear skin I always wanted. With time my acne had only gotten worse. I tried quitting junk food, aerated drinks, sweets and went on several ‘I’m off this food for a month’ kind of diets. All this just so I could get rid of the ugly bumps on my face. Fixing my sleep cycle and quitting junk food did help a lot, but the outbreaks hadn’t completely stopped yet. I would get at least one huge pimple every month which would take a whole month to heal, and by that time another one would already be on its way. My face was no stranger to experimentation.

From very strong medications prescribed by dermatologists to loads of home remedies, I’d tried everything! I realized that all the medicines that the doctor gave only peeled my skin off, causing uneven skin tone and rashes sometimes. I decided to not apply anything on my skin for a while but I was always on the lookout for some home remedy or the other. Every time I would be online, I would definitely open at least one tab with ‘home remedies for acne’ or ‘how to get rid of acne’ kind of links.

Internal vicks vaporub on acne

It was just another day and I was glancing through some of the most bizarre things that’re very effective on acne. That’s when I came across a video where a girl spoke about how she applied Vicks VapoRub for acne treatment and it was mostly gone by the next morning. Seems unbelievable, right? That’s what I thought too. Also, why would somebody apply Vicks on their face? But there was hardly anything I hadn’t tried on my acne. Since I also had no social event coming up, I knew I had nothing to lose even if it did aggrevate my skin. That day, I used Vicks for acne before sleeping. I felt a tingling sensation on my face and it felt weirdly cool on that particular spot. But I let it be, thinking that’s how it’s supposed to work.

Can you guess what happened the next morning when I woke up?

I kid you not, the size of my zit had reduced to more than half! Even the pain in that particular pimple had gone down significantly. After that, I applied Vicks on my acne regularly for a week and saw the difference! I noticed that it stopped a pimple from growing into a gigantic spot – which can feel like a lifesaver to any of us. But I also realized that it’s not exactly the best thing to do to your skin, so I cut down using it to only when it was desperately needed! I’m 21 now and I still get pimples once in awhile. Though the severity of my zits has reduced and my skin looks much better now, I always keep a pot of Vicks handy! Even today if I ever get a big pimple, I always turn to it! I would definitely recommend it for the desperate times when you know nothing else will work. Because it surely will! I’ve also learnt to look beyond my acne and not to let it affect my self-esteem. Seriously, girls, acne may seem like a big problem but don’t let those ugly red bumps pull you down, ever!

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