
6 Benefits Of Rosemary Essential Oil That You’d Wish You Knew Sooner!

Ayushi VermaAyushi Verma  |  Mar 17, 2022
6 Benefits Of Rosemary Essential Oil That You’d Wish You Knew Sooner!

For years the world has collectively backed up the power of this all-natural ingredient that deserves to be the MVP of your beauty regimen i.e. rosemary essential oil. While we are aware that this vitamin-rich treat is one of the tastiest addition to a salad, who knew it was such a skincare stalwart? You may not have noticed it before, but a lot of your skincare products might have this hero ingredient in common. Derived from the flowers of the rosemary herb, this oil offers a bevvy of benefits in the beauty sphere.

To find out why rosemary essential oil is featured in some of your fave beauty products, what it can do for your skin and how to get the most of the herb, keep scrolling!

Here’s Why Rosemary Essential Oil Should Be Part Of Your Beauty Routine

Hydrates To Give You That Super Potent Glow

When uses topically, rosemary essential oil deeply cleanses your complexion and stimulates healing to leave your skin more refreshed than ever before. Thanks to its ability to trigger circulation and lymphatic drainage, rosemary oil aids in expelling toxins from the skin. Thereby, combating dull skin. 

Prevents Breakouts

Rosemary’s antioxidants and antibacterial properties make it especially well-suited for acne. It not only helps to keep sebum production in check but also reduces the inflammation associated with acne. It is shown to directly fight a bacterium that causes acne outbreaks. 


Lightens Stretch Marks & Dark Spots

Rosemary oil is perfect for using as a cleanser or mixing in with your cleanser. Mix it with a carrier oil and add it to your nightly skincare routine. This will help boost skin rejuvenation so scars fade faster. Rosemary oil is known for its pore-clearing and acne-reducing abilities in oily skin as well. Its phytonutrients are believed to fight free radical-related damage and hyperpigmentation.

A Youth-Preserving Powerhouse

Rosemary extracts’ anti-inflammatory properties could help to reduce swelling and puffiness of the skin. It reinforces blood capillaries helping to reduce signs of ageing on the skin. It tightens sagging or loose skin to help it look firmer or more youthful. Furthermore, rosemary stimulates biological activity and cell growth to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. 

Keeps Sebum Production In Check

Rosemary oil balances your skin’s natural oils. Whether your skin is dry or on the oilier side, Rosemary essential oil gives your complexion the elements it needs. 

Stimulates Hair Growth

Rosemary essential oil stimulates hair growth, soothes a dry and itchy scalp, and softens hair. You can use rosemary oil as a serum or leave-in conditioner to add shine and silkiness to your hair. 

How To Use Rosemary Essential Oil On Your Skin?


Rosemary oil is gentle and can be applied to the skin when mixed with a carrier oil. Alternatively, adding a few drops to your fave moisturiser will do the trick. For folks with acne-prone skin: Add a couple of drops of rosemary oil to your yoghurt face mask as it helps in preventing breakouts. 

How To Use Rosemary Essential Oil For Hair?

Rosemary oil can be used in a DIY hair mask as well. You can apply a warm concoction of rosemary oil and a carrier oil like coconut, almond, or olive to your scalp to promote growth and control dandruff. You can also mix a tablespoon of rosemary oil with fenugreek powder as this duo is widely popular to tackle dandruff. 

Turn on your glow!

Featured Image: Pexels

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