TV actor Barun Sobti of Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon fame and wife Pashmeen Manchanda recently welcomed their first child, a baby girl. The actor confirmed the news to a media daily. The actor said, “Yes, the news is right. She was born last Friday (June 28). We have named her Sifat. It feels amazing and can’t be described in words.”
About a month ago, the couple hosted a baby shower that brought all their close friends from the industry together including star couple Sanaya Irani and Mohit Sehgal and Dalljiet Kaur.
Check out pictures from their baby shower.
Speaking about welcoming a new baby, Barun said, “I am exhausted as I have been shooting and running around and taking care of my wife. But I am happy. Right now, we are both taking one day at a time instead of thinking too much about what will happen when the baby comes and another such kind of questions.”
He further spoke about how being a parent is a huge responsibility, “I have not thought about what kind of a parent I would be, but I think both of us are prepared in our own way. Moreover, I feel nothing can really prepare you for parenthood as you learn along the way when your baby comes and how you bring your child up. We are ready for the surprises that will come along the way (laughs). I am a realistic person, so I think I will be a realistic kind of father to my child. Who knows how you handle the situation that you come across after you become a parent. Being a parent is a huge responsibility.”
Barun and Pashmeen tied the knot back in 2010. Earlier in 2014, Barun had spoken about his relationship in an interview with a media portal. He said, “We met in school. She was going to drink water from the tap and I was staring at her. We studied together, and then she went to Australia for further studies for five years. If you go through a long-distance relationship and survive it, then you can survive even death. When she came back, everyone knew we were going to get married.”
Earlier, the actor also spoke about embracing fatherhood and said, “It was not a plan to hide anything. We told everyone when one is supposed to when pregnant. The baby shower was lovely and it was great to see how much people love you.”
Congratulations, Barun and Pashmeena! We can’t wait to see pictures of the little munchkin.
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