Rs 7,00,000 aka seven lakhs in Indian rupees. Yes, that’s the starting price of an original Hermès Birkin bag. A spacious tote bag handmade in leather, Birkins are constructed by a single artisan and it takes 48 hours to make one. They’re named after actress and singer, Jane Birkin, and have become a mark of wealth for its price. From Triple-K (Kareena Kapoor Khan) to Kim K you might have spotted these bags in the hands of celebrities.
Don’t worry. We’re not going to try and talk you into spending your hard-earned money on ONE bag. This baby is on our lottery wishlist anyway, should we win it someday. Instead here are all the bags you can invest in that are just as pretty but not as pricey as a Birkin.
1. Black Beauty
Just when we thought nothing even comes close to a Birkin, we found this black beauty by Mango. An all-black genuine leather handheld bag, this tote is a saviour for working ladies and travel bugs out there. Plan your travel in style just like Bebo.
Price: ₹ 4,990. Buy it here.
2. Our Favourite From Fifty Shades Of Grey
This one from Zara comes just as close to the Hermès original. With room for your everyday essentials, this grey tote bag is a must-have, given the brand and the price!
Price: ₹ 1,690. Buy it here.
3. (Colour) Block It
The perfect bag doesn’t exi… This colour-block tote with trendy zipper details is just what every working lady needs to ace her 9-to-5 game. Your laptop will thank you for it too.
Price: ₹ 2,995. Buy it here.
4. The Universal Brown
We all have a ‘brown bag lady’ in our group who’s always on the lookout for the perfect one. Share this story with her along with a polite, “well, look no further.” You’re welcome!
Price: ₹ 4,199. Buy it here.
5. As Blue As The Sky
Black, brown and beige maybe the bag favourites until now. But your closet needs some colour and this bag fixes that need. You now know the secret to how we beat our blues. After all, there’s nothing a new bag can’t remedy.
Price: ₹ 3,899. Buy it here.
6. The Raging Red
Personally, coloured bags are a tough territory for me to invest in. They don’t always compliment all the outfits and there’s always the added risk of them looking tacky. But when I came across this baby in red, I found my exception.
Price: ₹ 7,490. Buy it here.
7. For The Shopaholic
This navy blue bag is the reason why I just can’t stop shopping. There’s always room for me to put more stuff in. You only tell me, how can I not?
Price: ₹ 2,400. Buy it here.
You don’t have to pay like Kareena to look like Kareena. If you’re all for petite bags, worry not, because we’ve got your back too.
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