Ever since Akash Ambani and Shloka Metha welcomed their baby girl, the entire fam has been on cloud nine. We have been eagerly waiting for the newest parents on the block to give us some glimpses of the princess but looks like that is going to take some time. However, we do have a rather interesting update on the little one. Akasha and Shloka have finally revealed their baby girl’s name!
So fam, meet Akash and Shloka’s little bundle of joy- *drumrolls please* Veda Akash Ambani! Originating from Sanskrit, Veda means “knowledge”. It also holds religious resonance, as the Vedas are the most sacred texts of Hinduism which were believed to be written by ancient scholars. The Ambanis made this exciting announcement along with the sweetest message. Here, take a look:
The most special bit? The name ‘Veda’ complements ‘Shloka’. The Hindu Vedas comprise distinct verses aka shlokas.
As soon as Shloka and Akash’s lil girl arrived into the world, their families left no stone unturned to give her a special welcome. From taking her home in a swanky Mercedes-Maybach S580 worth Rs 3 crores to decking up their house, it was one grand affair. TBH, we can only imagine the grandeur of upcoming events Ambanis will be throwing for their lil princess.
Here’s hoping we get to see Veda soon!
Feature Image: Instagram
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