While Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s Brahmastra may have caused a stir at the box office, it has received its share of criticism. In Brahmastra Part 1: Shiva, the fans especially have a problem with the dialogues. Many have been finding them forced and cringy. But worry not ‘coz director Ayan Mukerji has heard your complaints, and he’s ready to fix it!
In a recent interview, Ayan promised to add better dialogues in the upcoming installments of the trilogy. He also asked fans to be patient with the release of part two. The director said, “Look at Baahubali, two years pass just like that. We have a big country; I think it will take six months just for everybody to see Brahmastra. It would have been amazing if we could have given you Brahmastra 2 next year. I would have loved it; it would have been great for me.”
Ayan added, “But making Brahmastra 1 in India; it is a fully ‘Made In India’ product, it was very challenging. So now to make Part 2 even happen in 2-3 years is also a very very big challenge. Making it at the same quality with better dialogues (laughs) and more juicy storytelling is a very very big challenge.”
In an earlier interview, Ayan explained they had added such dialogues to give a modern feel to the film. He said, “I thought this would give the film a soul. That the greatest energy comes from within you and the greatest form of energy is when you are in a state of love. It may have sounded better on paper than it came across to certain people. When I talk, I keep taking people’s names a lot, this is my habit. So that stayed in the script and came in the film as well.”
We’re glad Ayan hasn’t turned a deaf ear to the fans’ complaints. Here’s hoping Brahmastra Part Two turns out to be bigger and better!
Feature Image: Instagram
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