
#PrayForAustralia: Terrifying Images That Show The Damage Caused By Bushfires

Tanya Sharma  |  Jan 6, 2020
#PrayForAustralia: Terrifying Images That Show The Damage Caused By Bushfires

The calamity of climate change is upon us. After the devastating fires in the Amazon forest and the California wildfires, deadly bushfires have engulfed the country of Australia, burning 12.35 million acres of land. The fire has killed at least 23 people, half a million animals and has destroyed more than 1,400 homes.

The fires, which were triggered in August, have shown no signs of slowing down. An emergency has been declared in the states of New South Wales and Queensland, as arid weather and strong winds continue to create catastrophic fire conditions.


#PrayForAustralia: People Share Horrifying Pictures

The hashtag #PrayForAustralia started trending soon after the fires became uncontrollable, and several people have taken to twitter to share disturbing stories, pictures, and videos about what is going on.

A thread giving the rest of the world some perspective on the extent of damage

In a thread on Twitter, which has been widely, shared, Australian historian Bodie Ashton explained the devastating extent of the fires for those outside of the country. He explained how more land is currently burning than exists in the entire country of Belgium! And people from the country of New Zealand, which is 2,000 km away, are experiencing breathing problems.

The smoke reaches the country of Chile

One twitter user made an alarming observation: the smoke from the bushfires have reached all the way across the pacific ocean and are affecting the country of Chile.

Smoke engulfs the city of Melbourne

A user shared a picture of the city of Melbourne covered in a thick blanket of smoke.

People are exposed to toxic air and water

This person explained how not only the air quality, but the water being consumed by citizens is also turning toxic.

Animals are being displaced

The most heartbreaking part about this entire tragedy is the catastrophic loss of wildlife. The fires have caused the death of around five million animals, while others are being forced to flee their natural habitat. This Koala, for example, was seen taking refuge in someone’s backyard.

The Sikh community lends a helping hand

The Sikh community, which is known for providing social service during times of crisis all over the world, stepped up in Australia to help those in need. Truly noble souls!

NASA’s 3D visualisation of the fires

This user has shared a 3D visualisation of the fire obtained by NASA satellite data, showing the extent of the fires in the country.

Injured animal escapes the fire

Another user shared a gut-wrenching video of a visibly injured wombat feebly crossing a road.

Pictures Depicting The Extent Of Devastation

If you’re finding it hard to imagine just how bad the fires are–let these shocking pictures educate you.











How You Can Help

If your heart is aching for Australia, but you feel helpless as you are thousands of kilometres away, worry not. There are plenty of organisations that are accepting donations to carry out rescue and relief work. Here is a list of trusted organisations you can donate at:

Red Cross
Done here.

Salvation Army
Donate here.

St Vincent de Paul Society
Donate here.

Victorian Bushfire Appeal
Donate here.

South Australia CFS
Donate here.

Australia doesn’t just need your thoughts and prayers, it needs your help! Do your bit by volunteering if you are in the country, or by donating to relief funds or simply by spreading the word and creating awareness about the calamity.

Featured Image: Twitter

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