
5 Assamese Bridal Styles You’ll TOTALLY Love!

Garima GuptaGarima Gupta  |  May 5, 2016
5 Assamese Bridal Styles You’ll TOTALLY Love!

An Assamese bride looks divine in mekhala chador! It’s a garment that is essential to an Assamese wedding and is so hatke. We love these Assamese brides’ take on the traditional mekhala chador and how they’ve made it their own. Take a look!

1. Red is the best!

assamese bride 1

Is there any other colour that is more associated with weddings than red? We love the completely traditional look of this bride – from the mekhala to the makeup. Bodiya!

Source: Srinayana on Instagram

2. Demure and divine

The cream mekhala and red chador make an arresting colour combo.

Source: Newvisionghy on Instagram

3. Surf style!

Would you pose on a surfboard while wearing a perfectly tied mekhala? This surfer Assamese bride sure will!

Source: Saltwaterspirit on Instagram

4. Doin’ it right

When you want to go super traditional but not let the heavy mekhala chador overwhelm your look, this is how you do it. We love the pretty pink details and the jewellery – maangtikka, bangles, necklace – that are just perfect with each other.

Source: Darshana_gohain on Instagram

5. Nothing but the look

We admit, we love this pic mostly because of the jewellery. While the bride keeps to traditional gold jewellery otherwise, the maangtikka is simplicity itself, letting her beauty shine through.

Source: Tanjiltamuli on Instagram

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