Shah Rukh Khan and his entire fam are on a roll right now. While SRK is basking in the glory of Pathaan’s success, Suhana Khan has kick-started her brand endorsement journey. Meanwhile, Aryan Khan has launched his own fashion label. Named D’YAVOL X, the brand is currently the talk of the town! But wait till you hear the price of the cheapest T-shirt from Aryan’s brand. It is priced at *pull a chair* Rs 22,200!
Called the Battle Worn T-shirt, it is made with 100% suede terry cotton. It features the brand’s logo on one sleeve and frayed details on the front and back.
Other expensive separates from the collection include the Alpha sweatshirt (priced at Rs 45,500), the Whiteout sweatshirt (priced at Rs 33100, and the Shades Of Grey sweatshirt (Priced at Rs 42,300).
Now, that’s a whopper and the internet is having difficulty digesting the prices.
People have been commenting on how these clothes aren’t for the common man at all. Others are simply shocked that Aryan has the guts to sell the most basic clothes for such high prices even before establishing the brand. Here are some of the responses:
But Guess What’s The Most Surprising Part?
Considering the exorbitant price of these basics, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the most expensive item from the collection is priced at Rs 200,555!
It is called the Signature X jacket and has been modelled by SRK himself. They have rolled out just 30 units for this limited launch and guess what? Each one of these jackets has been personally signed by SRK. The signature appears on the inner lining. Here, take a look:
This explains why fans are going crazy after this one. Oh, and they are buying it too! After the collection launch, a fan even tweeted about how he purchased not one, not two but a total of three jackets for Rs 6,01, 665!
But nope, even that’s not the most surprising part. While people are busy making fun of the ambitious pricing, the jacket is already sold out!!!
Yes, fans have spent over 60 lakhs on the jacket and it is no longer available for purchase. Wow!
If you think about it, Aryan has successfully created a luxury brand in less than 12 hours. Sure, having SRK as your father helps. But we’d have to give it to the brand’s marketing team for coming up with the perfect strategy. Limited edition stocks and the idea of jackets with SRK’s signature surely worked for D’YAVOL X.
I am sure it won’t be long before the rest of the collection goes out of stock as well!
Featured Image: Instagram
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