Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma announced the birth of their baby girl on January 11. And ever since then, we have all been awaiting some updates on the little one. Well, we have some fresh scoop. After keeping her daughter away from the media limelight for almost a month, Anushka Sharma has finally shared a picture of her and Virat with the little one. But that’s not it. The actress has also revealed their daughter’s name and it is beautiful.
Anushka took to Instagram today and revealed the baby’s name in a heartfelt caption. Here’s what she wrote, “We have lived together with love, presence, and gratitude as a way of life but this little one Vamika ❤️ has taken it to a whole new level! Tears, laughter, worry, bliss – emotions that have been experienced in a span of minutes sometimes! Sleep is elusive 😛 but our hearts are SO full ❤️ Thanking you all for your wishes, prayers and good energy 🤗”
Anushka and Virat have been very protective of their daughter Vamika. In fact, to ensure her safety the two had beefed up the hospital security, banned any visitors in the hospital, and had also sent gift hampers to media people requesting them to respect their privacy.
Honestly, we really thought that it would take a while before we’d get any updates on the little one. Naturally, the announcement of the baby’s name comes as a pleasant surprise and let’s just say that our Monday morning has been made. Vamika: such a beautiful name!
Featured Image: Instagram
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