Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap‘s daughter with ex-wife, film editor Aarti Bajaj —Aaliyah Kashyap just opened up about her personal life, her relationship with her boyfriend and her Bollywood plans in a recently posted YouTube video. The 20-year-old student is an active social media user and a lifestyle, fashion and beauty vlogger. In an interactive video, Aaliyah answered the question asked by her followers. The YouTuber also opened up about having to deal with brutal trolling and her response to it, and we’re in shock.
Aaliyah revealed that she faced severe backlash on social media for posting pictures in lingerie. The filmmakers daughter also shared that she was called a ‘prostitute’, asked for her ‘rate’ and also received rape and death threats. And we just don’t know what to say. We’ve all had run-ins with trolls and while most of them are just keyboard warriors, we’ve also seen them crossing lines.
Speaking about how she deals with the negativity, Aaliyah said, “So social media negativity is something I have come to terms with. Like, I am a very sensitive person and even the smallest bit of hate does affect me, but I don’t know. I’m sensitive, I cry almost every day about the dumbest s**t.”
Opening up about the hate she receiving for posting her lingerie pictures, the YouTuber said, “People were telling me that I should be ashamed of being Indian and posting stuff like that. People were sending me rape threats, calling me a prostitute, DMing me and asking me what my ‘rate’ was, sending me death threats, s**tting on my family. That whole incident of the picture got me a lot.”
Aaliyah further shared that while she used to cry a lot initially, she later realised that she should not let the trolls hiding behind the veil of anonymity affect her. She added that now she just blocks anyone who posts anything even remotely negative as she wants her social media to be a positive place. The YouTuber also spilled the beans on her relationship with her boyfriend Shane, and how they deal with disagreements.
“Shane and I don’t really argue or anything. If something does come up, we just talk about it. Like, we have a conversation about it and then move on. I think that is the best way to deal with disagreements in a relationship, just to communicate, instead of fighting, screaming and arguing with each other,” said Aaliyah.
When asked about her Bollywood plans, Aaliyah said that she has no intentions of joining the film industry as she is not ‘fascinated’ by it as she ‘didn’t grow up with the Bollywood glamour’. She also said that she does not want to be a part of the industry and is ‘trying to stay away from it’.
Did you know she has 200k plus followers on Instagram and 45k plus subscribers on her 8-month-old YouTube channel? Well, we just checked out Aaliyah’s Instagram feed and we definitely want to see more of this bold influencer-vlogger!
Feature Image: Instagram
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