It appears that India is all set to rule the Cannes Film Festival. This year, many stars from the entertainment and fashion biz are all set to arrive on the red carpet soon. Recently, Instagram influencer Dolly Singh revealed that she will be making her debut at Cannes. But she isn’t the only one! Ruhee Dosani is also ready to make a buzz at the international film festival.
With her trademark black hat, plaited, long, black hair and dope AF shades, this 26-year-old internet star is ruling the ‘Gram. While Ruhee is not in fashion influencing, she does have a unique aesthetic that works like a charm for her.
Ruhee shared the announcement and penned the sweetest note. She shared, “This time last year I was thinking about moving to India, little did I know that one year from then I’d be walking the RED CARPET OF CANNES FILM FESTIVAL!!! I’m too excited and thank you guys for always supporting me and loving me, and thank you to my team for helping me achieve yet another milestone in my career.”
I am so proud of Ruhee for achieving all this while doing a 9 to 5 job. A living breathing example of how a woman can truly have it all!
In a media interaction, Ruhee shared, “This milestone opportunity given by the Cannes Film Festival is an artist’s dream! It feels like my talent is being recognised by one of the most prestigious film festivals in the world. It is a moment of honour to represent India at the International level and I believe that this is my chance to showcase how India has always been progressive with its approach.” The influencer also shared that she plans to pick gender-neutral outfits for the event.
I am dying to catch a glimpse of Ruhee at Cannes. I bet she will slay!
Feature Image: Instagram
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