There’s no denying that Anita Hassanandani and her husband Rohit Reddy make an adorable pair. And the couple’s Instagram is full of the cutest, mushiest pictures from their travels and otherwise. Recently, Anita shared a video of her husband singing Pehli Bar from Dhadak and trust me, this video delivers some serious husband goals. Check it out:
So fun, right?! I mean, just look at the way he’s looking at her, with all that love in his eyes. But it seems Rohit failed to impress wifey with his singing skills as Anita’s caption read, ‘@rohitreddygoa promise me you will never sing for me not even in the bathroom for yourself #DhadakFever’.
However, this isn’t the first time these two cuties have been their adorable self on Instagram. We’re loving their take on the #KekeChallenge that’s gone viral and how!
Here’s another one that they shot for The Bombay Shaving Company!
But you know what’s my fave?! It’s the one where the two danced on ‘Sona Kitna Sona Hai’ on the streets of Switzerland. Can’t wait to check this off my bucket list too!
For those who don’t know how this Telugu boy fell for a Sindhi girl, here’s the story. On a chat show, Rohit shared, “I had seen her in the gym and fell for her stunning Indian looks. Then one day I saw her outside a pub, waiting for her car and decided to approach her. I went like a hero and approached her with the corniest lines she was startled. That was a brief encounter; I followed it up with a message on Facebook. I had no idea she is an actor, as all I ever watched on TV was the news. My mom is a TV addict and knew all about her.”
Anita further added “I refuse to believe he didn’t know I was an actor, maybe he didn’t know my name but I’m sure he’s seen me somewhere. After the first meeting outside the pub, we met again through a common friend. My first impression was that he is well spoken and has a cute dimpled smile.”
Keep sharing such fun videos, guys! We love them!
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