Shahid and Mira Kapoor’s li’l munchkin Misha Kapoor turned two on Sunday and the entire family was celebrating. Mommy Mira, daddy Shahid and even chachu Ishaan posted pictures of the baby girl and her theme party. For the grand day, Misha hosted a cutesy ‘twotti fruity‘ party for her play school friends and family, and it looked like the sweetest bash with all the kiddies enjoying the day.
Have a look at all the pictures that have recently made it to the internet.
The cutie patootie had a giant cake to go along with the theme, with kiwis, pineapples and watermelons on it. Check out this video where Shahid is holding his little girl while Mira and Ishaan sing ‘happy birthday’ to her.
On a side note, does it count as calories if you’re actually eating a fruit shaped cake? I don’t think so. *goes back to stuffing my face*
The décor for the party was done with balloons and OMG, I’m reminiscing my childhood days.
Mira with that pregnancy glow, uhhh, we’re in love!
After the party, Shahid and Mira even posed for the shutterbugs and they were all smiles.
We’re sending all our love to the little baby Misha on turning two and we can’t wait for her to become an elder sister. ❤
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