
Narendra Nahi Nirav: 10 Times Rahul Gandhi Had An ‘Oops!’ Moment In Public

Samantha Nair  |  Mar 13, 2019
Narendra Nahi Nirav: 10 Times Rahul Gandhi Had An ‘Oops!’ Moment In Public

Congress President Rahul Gandhi is famous for his hilarious one-liners. His claim to fame isn’t his outstanding political career, impressive fashion choices or the fact that is trying to encourage citizens to vote. Instead, his goof-ups are what make this 48-year-old a regular in national newspapers. From calling Nirav Modi Narendra Modi, to miscounting the number of seats in the Lok Sabha, here is a list of our favourite Rahul Gandhi gaffs that will definitely bring a smile to your face. 

1. The One Where He Said Narendra… Nirav Modi? 

Source: Instagram

While talking about corruption in India, Rahul accidentally said Narendra Modi instead of Nirav Modi. Or was it on purpose? We’ll never know.  

2. The One Where He Mentioned The 26/11 Mumbai Attacks 

When Rahul Gandhi was addressing the 26/11 attacks that took place in Mumbai during a conference, he said, “We will stop 99 per cent of the attacks. But one per cent of attacks might get through and that is what I am saying.”

3. The One Where He Said India Is Saudi Arabia 

Rahul Gandhi actually said, “India is the Saudi Arabia of 21st century,” while referring to the resources Saudi Arabia has. To be honest, I’m still trying to figure this one out. 

4. The One In Which Math Isn’t His Favourite Subject 

Source: Instagram

Rahul Gandhi went on to casually mention the number 546 instead of 545 while talking about the number of seats Lok Sabha has. Sigh. 

5. The One In Which He Forgot Geography, Apparently 

This one is my favourite! While speaking at a conference in Ahmedabad, Rahul said, “Gujarat is bigger than the United Kingdom.” Isn’t this just downright hilarious? 

6. The One In Which He Answered Some Important Questions 

Forget everything you learnt in civics because Rahul Gandhi has the perfect definition of politics! What is politics? “Politics is in your shirt, in your pant.” 

8. The One Where Congress Is A Software 

Source: Instagram

Rahul Gandhi may be middle-aged but he sure is keeping up with the trends. He spoke about the importance of technology during a workshop on social media and said, “If India is a computer, then Congress is its default program.”

9. The One With Amma Or Indira?

This one could have happened with anyone! He referred to Karnataka government’s subsidised food service as Amma Canteen instead of Indira Canteen (the Amma Canteen is the food service by the Tamil Nadu government).

10. The One About Manufacturing Potatoes 

“You all are demanding a potato factory in your area, but you should understand I am an opposition leader. I cannot open a potato factory,” he said. Potato chips factory is what he meant… 

That’s all folks, don’t forget to vote! 

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