The much-anticipated movie Brahmastra has been the talk of the town since the day the shoot started. Now that Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor have made their relationship official, their photos from the sets of the film are getting even more attention than usual. We have often spotted them making an entrance together at events and parties, but these photos of them working together prove that they have a sizzling chemistry.
So in case you were getting curious about the couple too, we have collected some of the cutest pictures of Ranbir and Alia and the Brahmastra team. Go on and see how adorable these two look together.
More Like Love Vibes
Couples Who Pose Together, Stay Together!
Travel Buddies
Together In New York
Working With Each Other Has Been Fun For Them!
When Ranbir Did The Most Boyfriend Thing Ever By Photobombing Alia’s Selfie
Hope we get some more pictures of the two even after they wrap up Brahmastra 😉
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