The world knows about Alia Bhatt’s penchant for becoming one with film characters. In 2022, we witnessed the Gangubai Kathiawadi phenomenon with the actress dressing in serene white fits. Well, it’s a new year and a new film for Alia now. She plays a Bong bombshell in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani and has been looking like one during all the events she has been lately gracing.
Alia recently attended an Amazon Prime event in Delhi and had our attention with her saree look. The actress dressed up in a black bandhani saree by Raw Mango and styled it with a solid sleeveless blouse. Staying true to her character Rani, Alia finished off the look with silver danglers and a neat bun.
We love how this bandhani saree is easy, breezy, and yet so stunning. For the unversed, bandhani is a tie-and-dye art that originates from Rajasthan. However, there is a catch. More often than not, you’d only find bandhani sarees in bright, jewel hues like red, pink, green, yellow, and orange. This is done to highlight the contrast. The fact that these sarees are traditionally worn for festivals is also the reason behind the bright colours. And this is exactly why Alia’s black bandhani has our attention. It is traditional and yet so modern!
Safe to say, Alia’s look is a lesson in how to make an impact while staying comfortable!
Doesn’t she look like a dream? Can’t wait to see more of Alia Bhatt’s looks from the RARKPK promotions!
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