Alia Bhatt finally made her much-awaited debut at the Met Gala in a stunning Prabal Gurung gown. Her glamm look drew inspiration from supermodel Claudia Schiffer’s 1992 Chanel bridal look. While her desi fans are still gushing over how gorgeous she looked, some people failed to recognise her at the Met red carpet. An unseen video from the gala that’s now going viral on the internet is proof. Scroll down to read more!
This video of Alia at the famous Met steps was shared by a Reddit account. In the video, the Western paparazzi can be heard calling Alia Bhatt with a different name. They are calling her Aishwarya Rai Bachchan! This happened while she was entering the event with her designer Parbal and posing for pictures. Here, take a look.
Alia can be see maintaining her composure, gracefully posing for the camera and not correcting paps. Well, the internet is all praises for her! Check out the comments:
Videshi Paps Need To Do Their Research Right!
Sadly, this is not the first time that an Indian actress has been mistaken for another actress. In 2019, Deepika Padukone attended the Met Gala and a photographer addressed her as Priyanka Chopra. However, just like Alia, Deepika kept on walking and maintained her composure.
Why not do some research before coming to the event? It’s not that difficult, right?
Featured Image: Instagram
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