Ever since the 2023 Cannes Film Festival began, we have been waiting for the OG queen, Aishwarya Rai, to walk the red carpet. The actress arrived on Day 3, but her appearance has left us perplexed. The actress wore a silver and black hooded gown from Sophie Couture that came with a large bow in the front. Even though she couldn’t turn her own head, she certainly made other people’s heads turn.
The internet erupted into a frenzy after her look went viral, turning it into a meme fest! We found some of the most hilarious and bizarre memes that will have you literally laughing out loud!
The “Anda Paratha” Nostalgia
‘Kangaroo’ Rai Bachchan
A Goddess In Foil!
Apsara Pencil Vibes
It’s Giving Samosa
The Lonely Aloo Roll Saga
Jadoo In High-End Couture
The Hilarious Comments!
Well, we really don’t know what Aish’s stylist was thinking with this look but if the aim was to go viral, the queen has clearly achieved it! TBH, only Aishwarya Rai can look so good wrapped in foil.
Feature Image: Instagram
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