Ever since pics from their recent vacay went viral, Aditya Roy Kapur and Ananya Panday have become the talk of the town. The fans are going gaga over this gorgeous jodi and are eagerly waiting for the actors to make an official announcement. However, both of them have remained intensely tight-lipped about their relationship rumours all this while. But guess what? Aditya has finally broken his silence on the topic!
In a recent interaction with Hindustan Times, Adi was asked about his viral picture with Ananya from a Portuguese bar. The Night Manager star played it cool and replied, “It’s a good thing I am not so much on social media. But definitely, I have heard.”
Well, that’s all that Aditya had to say on the topic and smoothly diverted it by adding, “I definitely needed a break. I missed the monsoons though, I love monsoons in Mumbai. Since the moment I came back, it has been raining non-stop for one week.”
LOL! That’s one way to dodge a tricky question. Guess, it would be a while before Adi and Ananya are ready to speak about their love life. Well, that’s okay as long as they keep treating us with their cutesy pictures!
Featured Image: Instagram
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