Aayush Sharma and Arpita Khan tied the knot in 2014, four years before Aayush made his Bollywood debut with Loveyatri, a movie produced by Salman Khan Films. While Aayush has established himself in the acting biz, trolls constantantly accuse him of marrying Arpita, Salman’s sister, for the sake of money and easy access to Bollywood.
He paid no heed to such comments but that’s doesn’t mean it didn’t effect him. Aayush Sharma recently opened up about how constant trolling has effected him over the years. In an interview with a leading daily, the actor shared, “Arpita is a very strong, confident woman, and it is amazing to have her as a partner. She accepts who she is. This constant trolling hasn’t affected us because she’s seen this side of showbiz, while I was new to it. What hurt me the most was that the trolls came up with a theory that I married her for money and to become an actor. I loved Arpita and so I married her! The good thing is that she knew it, I knew it, and our families knew it.”
Aayush even revealed how people have shaded him for allegedly accepting luxurious gifts from Salman Khan and blowing off his money. He said, “I would get trolled even when I went on vacations, as people would say, ‘He’s blowing up Salman Khan’s money.’ There were stories that Salman Khan gifted a Rolls-Royce to us at our wedding and I am still wondering where that Rolls-Royce is.”
When Aayush Hit Back To People Fat-Shaming Arpita!
Back in 2022 during a TED x talk session, Aayush Sharma slammed the trolls who constantly made fat-shaming comments about his wife Arpita Khan. He shared, “My wife is constantly trolled for being overweight. She is a constant target, that being a celebrity she shouldn’t be so fat, she should dress a certain way. And she is dark in colour. Every time her picture comes, people are quick to remind that she is dark in colour. Today, beauty is no longer internal, no one wants to know how beautiful you are as a human being, but people want to see you beautiful externally. But I am proud of my wife, because she is comfortable in her own skin. She is proud of who she is and behind closed doors, she tells me, ‘I am not a celebrity, I have done nothing to be a celebrity. I am never going to be in front of the camera, so I am going to be who I am, I am going to live my life that I way I am going to live my life.”
IMHO, it’s nothing but sad to be breathing in a sadistic world where people aren’t happy either way. We think Aayush and Arpita make a beautiful couple, and shouldn’t let a few faceless trolls bring them down!
Feature Image: Instagram
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