Celebrity Life

#ManCrushEveryday: 47 Drool-Worthy Pictures Of Rahul Khanna To Celebrate His 47th Birthday!

Akanksha BhatiaAkanksha Bhatia  |  Jun 20, 2018
#ManCrushEveryday: 47 Drool-Worthy Pictures Of Rahul Khanna To Celebrate His 47th Birthday!

Rahul Khanna, the ultimate style icon turns 47 today and we can’t stop scrolling through his Instagram feed. The man is surely aging like fine wine. No wonder he looks good in just about anything! So here we are, wishing him a happy birthday with 47 of his most drool-worthy pictures he enjoys teasing his followers with. 

1. Let’s begin with his sexy smile 

2. Followed by a crazy smile

3. A fine wine for sure 

4. We know where he gets his looks from 

5. Words aren’t enough

6. That white shirt is going to visit me in my dreams tonight

7. How is he still carrying that school-boy charm?

8. His outfits are always on point

9. Classy on the streets, crazy in the sheets

10. Good morning to you too 

11. Does he even have a bad angle? I don’t think so!

12. Hold me like your champagne!

13. That bed sure looks inviting 

14. There’s something sexy about his love for the furry ones

15. Untied bows & him

16. A throwback to when he was my teenage crush

17. Picture perfect

18. BRB, going to find & watch this 

19. He was sculptured for the cameras

20. Eyes just for him

21. A beachside villa & Rahul Khanna, straight out of Mills & Boon

22. This would be my perfect Sunday too

23. He’s my ray of sunshine! 

24. He’s the definition of sex on the beach  

25. That smile could stop traffic

26. Is he perfect or is it the location?

27. Wherever he goes, sweetness follows! 

28. Rahul on the rocks 

29. Stay calm, my fluttering heart 

30. Yes, I’m okay 

31. He’s a splitting image of his father

32. Sunsets & him 

33. That silhouette is taking over my imagination

34. When every girl suddenly felt dirty  

35. PSA, he cooks! 

36. Love on the weekend, anyone?

37. He can make you both, blush and laugh

38. Guess who’s the perfect travel companion?

39. Does he do anything wrong? Nope, never, nada!

40. Inviting him to my wedding in advance 

41. He’s 46, girls! 

42. Some Champagne And Mr. Khanna?

43. He Should Have Been The RK In Saawariya

44. This Is Why I Have His Post-Alerts-On On Instagram 

45. Is He Thinking Of Me?

46. Steal Hearts & Stay Sexy

47. We Need A Dip To Cool Down!

Happy Birthday, Rahul Khanna!


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