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No Kidding, These 5 Yoga Poses Actually Increase Hair Growth & You’ve Gotta Try Them!

No Kidding, These 5 Yoga Poses Actually Increase Hair Growth & You’ve Gotta Try Them!

It’s a known fact that Yoga is good for the mind, skin, and body. But what if we told you that your hair benefits from it too? It actually does! However, not all the Yoga postures help to promote hair growth, only a handful do. To boost hair growth, a Yoga posture needs to focus on directing blood to the head. Proper blood circulation ensures that nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the scalp. If you’re curious to know what these yoga postures are, then read on to find out!

5 Yoga Poses That Really Promote Hair Growth

Ustrasana (The Back-Bending Camel Pose)

This yoga pose not only promotes hair growth but also improves posture as well. It’s a pose that makes the back stronger and hair healthier. To do this yoga pose, you first have to kneel on your yoga mat. Then, slowly keep your knees apart. Gently bend backwards, and try to hold the ankles or the soles of your feet. Take five long breaths and release.

Uttanasana ( Forward Bending Camel Pose)

If the back-bending camel pose is a little challenging for you, then try this one. It’s easy and effective, at the same time! Not only does the pose relax your muscles, but it also promotes blood circulation in the scalp and provides nourishment to your hair follicles. Begin by standing straight. Then, lift your arms and bend forward with every exhalation. If you can, touch the mat, if not, hold your ankles. Hold the yoga position for a few seconds and exhale while you rise.

Also Read: Best Foods for Hair Growth


Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)

With the right amount of concentration and balance, anyone can do this yoga position. Compared to the headstand, a shoulder stand is easier to do. If you have dry and dull locks, this yoga pose will nourish your hair follicles and hydrate the scalp. To nail this posture, first, lie down on your back and raise your hips upwards while keeping your feet pressed to the ground. Use your forearms to support your body while you lift it. During this posture, your spine should be straight and toes stiff. Hold this yoga position for ten breaths and release.

Adho Mukha Savasana (Downward Facing Dog)

This yoga pose isn’t only great for your hair, but your back and sinus as well. It helps to distress and keep calm. Since this position requires your head to face down, proper blood circulation helps nourish and hydrate the scalp and hair follicles. Start by standing on all your fours and get into a mountain position. Your body posture should look like an inverted V shape. Take 5 long breaths in the position and release.

Sirsasana – Head Stand

If you’re a pro at headstands, then this is a fantastic yoga position for you. While it helps to improve blood circulation, it prevents balding, thinning and hair fall. First, kneel, interlock your fingers to support your crown and get into a dolphin position. Slowly lift one leg first, and later, the other. Breathe and balance. Hold this yoga position for a few seconds and then, release.

Which of these yoga poses are you tempted to try first? We’re all ears!


Also Read: Yoga Captions for instagram 

Featured Image: Shutterstock

31 Dec 2020

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