Brothers are weird but also super precious and if you have one then it’s easy to assume that from at-home WWE matches to crazy late-night binge sessions, you have done it all. You might never tell this to him, but we know that you treasure your bro more than anything else in the world. And while we do agree that frequently appreciating your siblings kills all the fun, we also believe that they deserve it at least once a year, especially on their birthdays. We know you agree and to keep you covered, happy birthday wishes for your brother (birthday quotes & messages for brother) to choose from.
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Happy Birthday Wishes For Brother
Having a bhai for a sibling makes one’s childhood a lot more eventful and here are some cute, funny and heart touching happy birthday wishes for brothers to choose from:

In all honesty, elder brothers are a unique species in themselves. And while they might be tough and overprotective at times, you do know that there doesn’t exist a softie as big as him. Here are some birthday wishes for big brothers that you might find interesting:
Birthday Wishes For Elder Brother
- Though the sun might someday run out of fuel, my love for you shall last forever. Happy Birthday, Big Bro.
- Getting a brother like you has been a wonderful stroke of luck that I have forever been thankful for. On your birthday, I want to thank you for being the coolest, most awesome brother anyone could have asked for. Happy Birthday Brother!
- A great brother deserves nothing but the best, today and always. You have certainly been a great brother and thus, I wish you the very best on your birthday. Happy birthday, bro!
- Here’s the thing about having an elder brother: You get free of cost bodyguard who’ll protect you through everything no matter what. Thanks for being the best bodyguard that ever was. Happy birthday, big bro!
- Hey Big Bro! I cannot tell you how many times I have just sat back and admired your wisdom, your ability to make everything work like it’s no big deal. Happy Birthday!
- No matter how old you get, I know you’d never forget to save that extra-large piece of cake for me. Thank you for pampering me all this while. Happy birthday, rockstar!
- Growing old with you has been the best part of life. Here’s looking forward to more of it. Happy birthday!
- All these years I have been extremely grateful to get you like my big bro and grown up in your shadow. Thank you for being my guiding light. Happy birthday!
- You know there were years when I had turned into a rebel. There was a time when I wouldn’t listen to anyone. Well, anyone but you. Thanks for being a great friend and support system bhai! Happy Birthday!
- Hey big bro, now that you are old enough to earn, I am definitely getting a gift on my birthday as well as rules. Hey, that’s straight from the little-sibling, big-sibling code. I don’t make the rules! Happy Birthday.
Birthday Wishes For Friends & Fam
Birthday Wishes For Younger Brother

You are well sorted in the parenting department if you happen to have a younger brother. Having a younger sibling is legit a full-time job and try if you must but you can’t shut down the parental sentiments that you feel for the little ones. Here are some birthday wishes for little brothers that’ll keep you covered:
Best Birthday Wishes For Younger Brother
- Hey, little thing! Did I ever tell you how proud I’m to call you mine and so glad you came after me? Perhaps you’d never know but looking after you has helped me become a better person. Also, today is the only day when I will say this but sometimes you are so wise that I can’t help but feel damn proud of the person you are becoming. Happy birthday, younger one!
- The day I held your little hand in mine, I know that a miracle has happened, that like life will never be the same again. Thanks for choosing me to be your elder sis. You have truly been a blessing. Happy birthday little one!
- I may not always say this but deep inside, I feel so lucky that I got to share my childhood with you, little munchkin. Have a grand birthday this year. May all your dreams come true. Happy Birthday!
- There are parts of my childhood I would love to replace, but none of them includes you. Happy birthday, sunshine!
- Since I have you, I will always have a piece of a childhood well preserved. No matter how old you get, I am glad, I would be able to access my childhood through you. Happy birthday you precious thing!
- It is because you always looked to me, that I got inspired to be better. Thanks for believing in me. Happy birthday, kiddo!
- I was made at mom when you first arrived thinking that now her love will divide. Truth is, she has loved me all the more since I became an elder sis. But more importantly, I have loved all the more since you arrived. Thank you for filling my life with so much love. Happy birthday, baby bro!
- Right now, you might be out of my sight but you will never be out of my heart. I am thankful that God gave me you as a brother. Happy birthday, love.
- Here’s a toast to all the madness that we have seen together. Life is hard but we are harder and that’s coz we always have each other’s back. Happy birthday little one!
- Hey, little thing! There has never been a moment when I don’t miss you. Here’s wishing you a very happy birthday and lots of success to the purest soul in my life!
Birthday Wishes For Brother From Sister

As nosy as your brothers might get, you also know that they love you with all their heart and would literally do anything for you. They, of course, deserve to be appreciated, and here are some birthday wishes for brother from sister.
Top Birthday Wishes For Brother From Sister
- You have always made it so easy for me by keeping faith in me when everyone else would turn their back. You are the best brother that a girl could have asked for. Happy birthday, bro!
- When I was little, you didn’t just protect me but also taught me how to fight for myself, to be my own saviour. Honestly, I could not have asked for anything better. Even more honestly, you have literally been the best kind of brother. Happy birthday, bhaiya!
- You have been the kind of brother who’s always gone the extra mile just to ensure that his sister gets the best of everything. Thank you for being all that you are and a very happy birthday to you dear brother!
- Hey brother, thanks for setting up the right standards and making me realise that I deserve nothing less than the best treatment from all the men in life. Happy Birthday!
- Thank you for teaching my chess when the world thought I could only dance. Thank you for teaching me how to break gender roles like it’s nobody’s business. Thank you for teaching me to be a feminist while being the best one yourself. Happy birthday!
Birthday Wishes For Your Daughter
Birthday Wishes For Brother From Brother

For guys, growing up with a brother is like growing up with a best friend. There is so much that you teach each other and so much more that you experience together. This is a precious bond and deserves to be celebrated every now and then. And while you might find yourself out of words to do so, here are some birthday wishes for brother from brother.
Best Birthday Wishes For Brother From Brother
- Dear brother, you are such a great role model for being so loving, caring, protective, and supportive. One day, I wish to become a man as kind and compassionate as you are. Happy Birthday!
- Hey, Big Bro! You have been my mentor and supporter in every sphere of life, the best one for that matter. I’d be forever indebted to you for all that you have taught me and all that you have done. Here’s wishing you a very happy birthday!
- Long time since we had a WWE match, no? How about today provided mom doesn’t kill us both in the end! *Wink* Happy birthday bhai!
- Hey bro, thanks for being my best friend before a sibling. Happy birthday!
- Hey big bro, thanks for being the coolest brother, and thanks for passing down all of those cool guy tips to me. Happy birthday!
Ways To Celebrate Your Partner’s Birthday
Heart Touching Birthday Wishes For Brother

Ever been mocked by your brother for being “too emo?” Yes, us too!! But the truth is that he loves it when you tell him just how special he is to you. Don’t trust us? Here are some heart touching birthday wishes for brothers. Try these on your brother’s birthday and then tell us that we are right (‘coz we are!).
Heart Touching Birthday Wishes For Brother
- For me, you are “BROTHER”: B-Brilliant, R-Responsible, O-Optimistic, T-Talented, H-Handsome, E-Excellent, R-Real. Happy birthday, awesomeness! Happy Birthday!
- Hey Bro! You haven’t been just a brother but also a mother and father to me. Thank you for looking after me all this while and showing me the path whenever I went astray. I really couldn’t have asked for a better sibling. Here’s wishing you a very happy birthday. Never change <3
- You’re more than just a brother, you’re also my best friend and someone I know I can count on to be there for me in good times and bad. Thanks for always having my back. Happy Birthday!
- Dear brother, it is because of you that I have turned out to be all that I am today. I will always owe you for all the things I know and can do. Thanks for being who you are. Very happy birthday to you!
- Hey, little one! You are my most treasured possession and I’d literally do anything for you in a heartbeat. Happy birthday!
Funny Birthday Wishes For Brother

Never get tired of calling him names and constantly making fun of your brother? Here are some funny birthday wishes for brothers.
Funny B’day Wishes
- So here’s the thing: No matter how many birthdays you celebrate; you’d never be older than me. Enjoy this one with this though. Happy birthday poopy head!
- Hi bro! Here’s a birthday wish and also the reminder that no matter what I will always be the favourite child. P.s. you were adopted. Happy birthday!
- Hey brother, now that you have handled me, it is safe to say that you will be a great dad. Happy birthday!
- Another year has gone by. I see a little less hair on your head, but, of course, a whole lot of love in my heart for you. 😛 Happy birthday big brother!
- Happy birthday Bhai! Also, thank you very much for ruining every single childhood picture of me with your goofy face!
- Happy birthday, weirdo. When I see you, I see a man growing old with no purpose and not an iota of wisdom. Still wishing the best for you anyway!
- Remember when I told you that mom-dad actually found you in a dustbin? Yea, still true! Anyway, happy birthday to you!
- Hey big bro! I may or may not have swiped your credit card (I most certainly did) to get you this gift. However, as they say, it is the thought that counts, and I will give myself 10/10 in that department. Happy birthday!
- Hey bro, I know all about the late-night calls and it would be advised that you share the birthday gifts before I tell mom about that mystery girl and EVERYTHING else. Just a suggestion, no pressure. Oh btw, happy birthday!
- So glad that your job profile as an elder brother is to love and support me no matter what troubles I get into. Also want to congratulate you on acing the job. Happy birthday!
Birthday Wishes For Sister-In-Law
Cute/Sweet Birthday Wishes For Brother

Did God bless you with a cutie patootie of a brother? Well, good for you! But if you think about it, as irritating as they might be, all siblings are super sweet and super special. That said, here are some super cute happy birthday wishes for brothers that will come in handy.
- To the best brother in the universe, I can only wish for all of your dreams to come true. I hope you have a great birthday, big bro!
- You are special because you are the only person that I don’t have to explain my craziness to and the only person whose craziness I can’t explain. And that’s precious. Happy Birthday.
- Hey bro, on your birthday I want to offer you a gift and thank you for being the greatest gift that I ever received. Happy birthday!
- Right from our crazy fights to sharing the first can of beer together, each and every moment spent with you is the best part of my life. Happy birthday!
- From stealing my chocolates to stealing my T-shirts, you owe me a lot of money and clothes. Birthday wishes to my handsome brother, love you!
Happy Birthday Quotes For Brother

Brothers are your best friends, best guardians, your partners in crime and also your worst enemies. Also, they are your best companions in life and deserve to be celebrated for exactly that. Here are some quotes for brother’s birthday that express it really well.
- I hope we get to relive all our glorious days from childhood. May you get to fulfill each and every dream of yours. Happiest birthday, bro.
- He came into my life and everything became beautiful! Happy birthday to my greatest blessing!
- No treasure compares to the love of a brother. Wishing you a wonderful day, dear brother. Happy birthday!
- A brother is a blessing unlike any other. Happy birthday you beautiful blessing!
- A brother is someone you can always count on in your toughest times and be assured that you will be taken care of. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Messages For Brother

Away from your brother this year on his birthday? How about pouring your heart out in a cute message? You agree right? Here are some texts that can be sent as birthday messages to brothers.
- Happy birthday crazy! May your day be more beautiful than a unicorn farting rainbows!
- I know it’s your birthday, but in a way, it is my birthday too. Many years ago, it was today that I got a new best friend and learned how to be a big bro. Happy Birthday!
- You can count on my like 1…2…3… and I will be there for you. Happy birthday, bro!
- Hey big bro, you have always been my bro and I will always look up to you. Happy birthday!
- The older you get, the smarter you become and yet somehow have a way to keep the kid in you alike. I really admire that. Happy birthday!
Birthday Wishes for Brother in Law
Happy Birthday Status For Brother’s

Love your siblings and don’t mind shouting it out to the world? Just in case you find yourself at a loss of words on his birthday this year, here are WhatsApp status messages for brother’s birthday that you can use:
- A brother is a friend given by nature. Happy Birthday!
- Being my sibling is really the only gift that’ll ever need and that way, we will always be sorted. Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday! And now that’s done where’s my treat?
- Amazing how you keep getting older but not a bit wiser. Happy birthday, weirdo!
- Happy birthday, bro, open the bottles!
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