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7 Surprising Reasons Why You Still Don’t Have Healthy Skin!

7 Surprising Reasons Why You Still Don’t Have Healthy Skin!

Good skin is always in. Period.

But having clear skin is not equivalent to having healthy skin! Your skin may look great, but it could be lacking moisture or elasticity. Now that we’re ‘clear’ about this, let’s discuss why your skin is not improving despite you spending half your salary taking care of it!



Before we dive in, let’s talk about your skincare routine and all the products you’ve invested in so far. Are those even working for you? Does your skin feel different after using the toner everyone’s been raving about? Or the moisturizer that cost you a bomb? Raise your hands if you’ve blindly followed a skincare routine because a Kardashian swears by it or because beauty influencers are promoting it.

Well, we’ve all been there. When it comes to your skincare regimen, it’s normal to get confused about what to use and how to use it. It’s even more frustrating when you don’t see any positive results. The good news is that maybe it’s not the products!

Also Read Facial Cleansing Brushes For All Skin Type

Here Are 7 Reasons Why Your Skin Is Not Improving

These tiny little changes can make a whole lot of difference to your skin health.


Not cleaning your face thoroughly

We are exposed to so much pollution, smog and dirt throughout the day that it’s a miracle if you’re skin is not acting up. Just washing your face with a face wash ain’t gonna cut it.

Tip: Use a mild cleanser to remove the traces of dirt from your face first. It can either be a milk-based cleanser or even a makeup remover. Next, wash your face and pat it dry. If required, use a scrub (just double cleanse it, gurl). Restore your skin’s moisture by using a suitable toner, followed by a moisturizer.

Not cleaning your makeup brushes

If you’re someone who applies makeup on a daily basis, tell me how often are you washing them? Makeup brushes are designed to pick up the product from the pot. But along with the product, they even pick up dust! 

Tip: Keep your brushes in a pouch or a makeup stand with a lid. Wash them at least once a week if you’re using them on a daily basis as the product and dust get collected on the bristles. Soak your brushes in water for a good ten minutes before washing them with a makeup brush cleaning solution. Then, dip them in water for another five minutes. There, your brushes are clean! 


Using expired makeup

Knowingly or unknowingly, we all are guilty of using our makeup past its expiry date. Don’t believe me? Read this. I get it, makeup is expensive and you want to use every last bit of it. But let’s be real, if it’s doing the damage, it’s time to toss ‘it out.

Tip: Invest in minis or sample-size products. If an expired makeup product has caused you any reaction, please consult a dermatologist immediately. 

Also Read Best Moisturizers For Dry Skin In India

Not changing your bed covers

I have had acne-prone skin since medieval times. Seriously, I cannot remember the last time I didn’t reach out for my holy grail concealer ‘coz there was nothing to conceal. I spent half my salary on skincare products before a friend suggested that I change my pillow covers. Changing your pillow cover once a week can make a whole lot of difference. 


Tip: If you too get acne as soon as your skin comes in contact with something dirty, double cleansing should be your everyday ritual followed by a nice, soothing face mask. Adding POPxo’s Aloe Vera Face Pack is probably one of the best things I ever did in 2019!

Not moisturizing enough

Our skin needs its daily dose of hydration, especially during the wintertime. A good moisturizer not only makes your skin soft and supple but it also protects your skin from skin blemishes and repairs your skin cells while you’re busy with your life.

Tip: Moisturize the hell out of your skin. Lather up your beautiful self as soon as you’re out of your shower and before hitting the bed. Also, avoid hot showers as they tend to dry out your skin. 



Sleeping with your makeup

Going to bed without removing your makeup is what horror stories are made of! You must not, under any circumstances, sleep with your makeup on. Even if it’s just for a night, it will result in clogged pores and several skin issues which will lead to the formation of micro comedones that attract acne forming bacteria. Now, you don’t want that, right?

Tip: Keep facial wipes handy. If you’re out partying late or are too exhausted after work, cleansing wipes are your best friend. Always keep a pack by your bedside. 

Using products that don’t suit your skin

Just because a toner worked for a friend with dry skin, does not mean that it’ll work for you as well. Don’t buy a product just because everyone’s raving about it. It’s important to know your skin first!

Tip: Even if your skin texture matches perfectly with somebody, chances are their trusted products might not even work for you. Visit a dermatologist to get a better understanding of your skin. 


Wishing you happy skin days ahead! 

Featured Image: Instagram

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