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Sweet Dreams, Love: 30 Goodnight Messages So Full Of Mush, They’ll Make Him Blush!

Sweet Dreams, Love: 30 Goodnight Messages So Full Of Mush, They’ll Make Him Blush!

Good night texts are cute. Especially if they are coming from that special someone. They tell you that someone out there is thinking of you. They are also a sweet reminder that you cross their mind every day before they hit the sack and retire for the day.

A meaningful good night text is the best way to cheer up your partner if they have had a bad day. It is also a sweet way to tell them that you love them and miss them. So pick up your phone, draft a romantic good night message and send it off to them to tell they are important to you. Trust me, when they see your name flash on their mobile screen with that super-cute good night message, it will bring a smile on their face no matter how hard their day has been.

Romantic Good Night Messages

Cute Good Night Messages


Inspirational Good Night Messages

Romantic Good Night Messages For Boyfriend

Want to make the nights special and all flirty even when are not together at one place. Well, sending these romantic good night messages to your boyfriend will surely make him blush.

1. ‘Every night is always the same for me. I go to bed feeling empty inside knowing that another night will pass without being able to hold you in my arms.’

2. ‘The night breeze is blowing through my hair and the soft touch reminds me of your kisses. I wish I didn’t have to miss you this much.’


3. ‘In sleep, we must be apart, my love, but rest assured for I will dream of you till we meet again.’

4. ‘Read me a story then tuck me in tight. Tell me you love me and kiss me goodnight.’

5. ‘And tonight I will fall asleep with you in my heart.’

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6. ‘The thought of being with you tomorrow is what helps me through today. Good night, my love!’

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7. ‘The stars tonight are shining so bright, they almost compete with our love. Almost. Nothing can truly compete with the brightness of the flame that burns between us. Sweet dreams; Love you always and forever.’


8. ‘Though I love to watch stars in the sky. But more than that I am fascinated by the stars in your eyes. Keep shining and good night.’

9. ‘Love is one of the simplest feelings. All I dream about is capturing your heart each night. You already have my heart.’

10. ‘I wonder how well you sleep at night, and what kind of dreams you have. I wish I could step into them as you step into mine.’

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Cute Good Night Messages For Him

Are you looking for cute ways to say goodnight over text to your boyfriend? Search no more. Here we have got cute good night messages for him. Have a look!

11. ‘I couldn’t fall asleep until I told you how much I miss you- love you and good night.’

12. ‘The only thing sweeter than having you as my man during the day is having you in my dreams at night. Goodnight, baby.’

13. ‘You will be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.’


14. ‘How lucky am I that you are the last thing I think about before I fall asleep and the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning. MAy you find dreams as wonderful as the love you have brought into my life.’

15. ‘Each night, I hope that the moon is large and bright and you will be happy and right. When you turn off the light, keep in mind that I am dreaming of you.’

16. ‘You bring butterflies to my stomach during the day and tranquillity to my heart at night. I am so blessed to have you as my boyfriend.’

17. ‘Every day you give me more reasons to fall in love with you- I am thinking of more ways to make you fall more and more in love with me as I fall asleep, dreaming of you…’


18. ‘How did I get so lucky? To have a man that makes my reality even more incredible than my dreams You’re one in a million babe.’

19. ‘I tried counting the reasons I love you- but there were too many and now I am falling asleep thinking of you.’

20. ‘I don’t even need to dream anymore. My dreams came true the day I laid eyes on you. Now i only sleep to make the hours pass quickly until we can be together again. Always and forever.’

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Inspirational Good Night Messages For Boyfriend

We all go through a phase where the days go darn dull, and if that’s a case with your boyfriend then you can send these inspirational good night messages to him to make him feel better.

21. ‘What’s done is done. This day is over. Embrace sleep for tomorrow brings new opportunities to do better. When you close your eyes tonight, take a deep breath and as you exhale, slip into dreamland with the knowledge that you’ve done your best today.’

22. ‘You shine brighter than any star in the sky. You are more brilliant than any diamond from Tiffany’s You are intelligent, funny and caring. I hope your dreams are filled with syrupy sweetness and chocolate hearts. Good night, sweet dreams.’

23. ‘At the end of the day keep your spirits high. Tomorrow’s a new and better day.’


24. ‘As you fall asleep, I want you to remember what a good person and that I admire you and care for you.’

25. ‘While you dream, I wish that each hope and goal comes true. I just want you to receive everything that you have wished for.’

26. ‘Know that I am here and I will always be with you. Hand in hand and soul to soul. Close your eyes and drift off to sleep with a great big smile, I am here my love.’



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27. ‘So what? Today was a bad day, but the moon is shining, and when you wake, you will be able to start all over again.’

28. ‘Look at the radiance of the moon tonight and think of me thinking of you. I will always be your light in the dark and the beacon that brings you home.’

29. ‘I am sending you a great message. The message is you are a wonderful person. You can do any job with confidence. Have a faith. Tomorrow will be a good day. Good night.’


30. ‘The moon shows me that one can shine in the darkness. So if you are upset just relax and sleep. Tomorrow will be a great day for you. Good night.’

So, these were some of the romantic and cute good night messages for boyfriend that you can send to make him feel special. Go ahead and send these tonight!

All Images: Giphy

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31 May 2019

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