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13 Cute & Funny Thoughts Every Girl Has When Her Elder Brother Gets Married!

13 Cute & Funny Thoughts Every Girl Has When Her Elder Brother Gets Married!

An elder brother – the first and bestest male friend a girl can ever have! He is like a personal bodyguard, a shoulder to cry on, a partner-in-crime and a father figure, all compiled into one person. So it’s only natural for every girl to not only be super excited about her brother’s wedding but also experience a hundred different emotions at the same time. Psst…want to know some of them? Read on to find out…

1. “Are we actually this old now that my hopeless elder brother is getting married! Like really?!?”

2. “Now that my brother will be married, I’ll have an amazing person to shop with! But I hope my bhabhi is a nice, warm and loving person! I understand they have their married life as priority, but I really hope she doesn’t have a problem with the bond we all share.

2 older brother gets married shopping gifs


3. “Why am I even thinking this way, we’ll love her and she’ll love us! My brother’s choice is awesome…”

Okay then, time to show some love to your bhabhi! Get this gorgeous black dress for her from Myntra for Rs 824, and make her smile!

4. “Botlein khulwado saade veere di wedding hai…Oh God! Why can’t I get this song out of my head? I know we have to prepare a kickass dance sequence for the sangeet, but there’s a lot of time for that still!”

5. “I don’t think my brother will coordinate his clothes with bhabhi on their wedding. He’s never going to wear pink or red! Maybe I should coordinate my outfit with bhabhi instead.. We’ll be the coolest nanad-bhabhi ever!”


5 older brother gets married happy girls

6. “Oh man!! Now all the aunties will be after my life to get married! How will I ever get out of all the questions and teasing comments that will be thrown my way…”

The best way to ignore what is being said to you is to not listen to it at all! Buy this super cool Sennheiser earphones from Amazon for Rs 699 and chill out!

7. “I’m going to tease bhai so much, and I just want to see how he will react! Revenge for all the times he’s embarrassed me in front of my friends and our relatives!”


8. “Wasn’t it just a couple of months back that he and I were running after each other and fighting like monkeys over the remote. Will all that stop now that he’ll be a married man?

8 older brother gets married fights

9. “Of course, the fun won’t stop. If anything, we will only include bhabhi in all the masti! Aaand, I’ll ask her to be on my team! Then we’ll gang up against bhaiya!”

We know what could be a fun way to chill with your bhai and bhabhi post wedding – a game of Roulette. Buy this Roulette with shot glasses and have the best weekends ever at home! It’s available on Amazon for Rs 719 only!


10. “I should get some really nice and thoughtful gift for both of them on their wedding. I should talk to bhabhi more to understand what she likes and dislikes!”

11. “I should take a tour of the wedding venue in advance to look for an awesome place to hide the shoes during joota chupai… But wait, I’ll just hide them in the car and keep the keys with myself! How stupid!”

11 older brother gets married genius girl

12. “Will we be the coolest baraatis ever or what!!!”


Since you have to dance like crazies on and before the wedding day, the perfect footwear for you will be these gorgeous juttis that we found on Myntra for Rs 2080!

13. “My outfits have to be awesome… I’m going to check out Chandni Chowk, Lajpat Nagar and Shahpur Jat for the best outfits ever!”

GIFs: Giphy

16 Oct 2017
good points

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