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10 Tricks To Get The *Perfect* Gifts On Your Next Birthday!

10 Tricks To Get The *Perfect* Gifts On Your Next Birthday!

Come any celebration, you organise the party knowing EXACTLY what you want. But there is also the risk of not getting most of the gifts, simply because (at the risk of sounding impolite) you don’t want to be explicitly clear to your friends and family about what they should be gifting you. But be it a birthday, anniversary or wedding, here are a few pointers which could help you get the perfect gifts…

1. Plan it in advance

Make a list of the things that you would really want, against the names of the people who wouldn’t mind splurging on said gifts. For instance, it might be a bit much to ask your friend for a smartphone as a birthday gift, but it is a more reasonable request when it comes to your parents.

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2. Send out invites that say ‘gifts are most welcome’!

If you are hoping for gifts, don’t let the invitees assume otherwise. Mention clearly in your invite that you’re looking forward to receiving some goodies from them!


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3. Sign up for a gift registry

Register free on a gift registry website like Wishtry, which lets you create your wish list of products and your guests can get you the gifts you desire. Add the Wishtry button to your browser’s bookmark bar, and every time you visit a store’s website and find something you like, you can add it to your list. You can also opt for a cash gift fund if you aren’t too sure of what you want – it’s that easy!

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4. Tell your near and dear ones exactly what you want

There is nothing wrong in being specific about the things you could make good use of. If you want to avoid the hassle of exchanging them later, be assertive and tell your family and friends about what you would exactly like.


5. Bookmark relevant links!

If you have something particular in mind, you could save it for your guests’ reference. Again, Wishtry, which bookmarks all your selected links, can be of great help!

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6. Set an example

If there is another event in your family prior to yours, set an example by getting the ideal gift, so that people stand a good chance of repeating the favour when it comes to your function.

7.  Set the ground

If it is a big occasion like your wedding, get your near and dear ones together, and discuss what could be the best thing they could give you. If gold is not your vibe and you are eyeing a fancy honeymoon, tell them that. Because even if the gift exceeds the budget of one person, everyone can pitch in and get you what you really want.


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8. Be receptive!

Don’t be adamant about your choices, give people a few options to pick and choose from.

9. Have some party favours ready

Giving a small personalised gift, at the end of the party, is a great way to appreciate the effort made by your friends and family. Nothing too major – a mason jar filled with colourful macaroons or a small box of chocolates will do.  

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10.  Show your appreciation

When you receive the gift, make sure to acknowledge the time and consideration that it might have taken your guest to make your special day extra special. Plus your appreciation is likely to set a precedent for any gifts you are likely to receive in the future. You can also share a Thank you note with their guests once they receive the gift.

*This post is sponsored by Wishtry.

27 Feb 2017

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