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25 Awesome Ideas For Your Boyfriend’s 25th Birthday!

Birthdays are always so special, there is always that wait to get the special treatment for a day and all those gifts. Well, birthdays are even more special when you are turning 25 as it is a special number. And if your boyfriend is turning 25 you may be looking for the special 25th birthday ideas for a boyfriend! So, to help you all we racked our brains and thought of some uber-cool things you can do for him on his 25th birthday.

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25th Birthday Ideas For Boyfriend

Here are some romanticic and creative birthday ideas for boyfriend that you should definitely try to make his day special. So, have a look at the 25th birthday ideas for your boyfriend.

1. Go road-Trippin’!

Drive to someplace you both like. It need not be very far, just a 2-3 hours drive. You could make it a romantic road trip or have your common friends accompany you and have a blast together!


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1 Birthday ideas for your boyfriend

2. Hop, skip, jump to his 25 fav hot spots!

His fav restaurant, a pub he loves, his school time hang out spot…wherever he wants to go. Make a list first and then make a day out of it – or a weekend if need be!

3. Have a theme party with his fav movie or TV series as the theme!

Nope, no one’s ever too old for a theme party. Plan it with a bunch of close friends and think of a few fun games to go with the theme too!


4. A private movie screening just for the two of you!

This one will be SO romantic! Book a private movie screening or if that seems a tad above your budget, book a balcony in one of the good multiplexes which you can have all to yourself.

4 Birthday ideas for your boyfriend

5. Make a birthday movie for him!

His candid shots, your moments with each other, clips from his past birthdays, you can go crazy with this one! This would be one movie he will get to star in!

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6. A photoshoot to celebrate his silver day!

Take him shopping and arrange for a photo shoot for him. You both could be a part of the shoot, and this will give you some ‘forever’ kinda memories!

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7. Hire the luxury car he swoons over, for a day!

A Bentley? Mercedes? Show up outside his house in a gleaming, drool-worthy ride and watch his jaw drop!

7 Birthday ideas for your boyfriend


8. A boat partaaay!

If you live in a place that’s close to a river or the sea, then there would be a facility to rent a boat. Rent one for a day, pack lunch and spend the day sailing and dancing. You could make it a romantic sail for two or have your friends on board too!

9. Gamble the night away!

You could go to a casino or set up your own makeshift casino at home. If you do your own casino then you can also get creative with the stakes. For example – bet a slice of pizza instead of money!

10. A karaoke night with all of his favourite songs!

Bathroom singers always have more fun at Karaokes, so don’t worry if either/ both of you are it. Set up your own Karaoke with a bunch of close friends and have a blast singing to your fav tunes!

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10 Birthday ideas for your boyfriend

11. A day at a classy resort!

Well, a man needs to be pampered at times too. Book a day at a classy resort and just relax and unwind with him there. Swim, have a few drinks and make use of everything exquisite the resort has to offer!

12. Make a ‘25 things to do on your 25th’ list, and do all the crazy things on the list together!

Anything and everything can make the list. Ziplining, snorkeling, eating a dozen golgappas in 5 minutes… Literally anything!

13. DJ + Beer + Pool = The perfect 25th!

If his birthday falls during summers then you cannot possibly have a better party than a pool party. Book a pool for a day, laze on the poolside and play in the water. You could also go dutch along with your friends if the cost seems a little too much!


13 Birthday ideas for your boyfriend

14. Murder, mystery, dinner!

A ‘Murder + Mystery’ themed dinner is fun any day. For a more detailed description, click here. If your boyfriend enjoys mysteries and loves a thriller, chances are he will love this idea!

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15. A small cottage in the hills for the perfect getaway!

At some point, every one of us has dreamt of a secluded, cute and cozy cottage in the lap of the mountains. Well, why not make this dream come true?! Spend your day hiking and camping and forget about the rest of the world for a while.


16. Leave a trail of clues for him to find his 25 presents!

Have 25 presents come his way but don’t make it so easy! Make him rack his brain a little to find his presents in a way that they keep coming throughout the day.

16 Birthday ideas for your boyfriend

17. Get his gang together and have a house party!

Chances are that he doesn’t meet his childhood or college pals often enough. So gather his gang (quietly!) and throw him a surprise house party!

18. Get his fav people to write him handwritten notes (not typed), and decorate his wall with it!

His family, his close friends, colleagues and whoever else he is close with. Put the notes together on his wall or in a scrapbook for him to wake up to on his birthday!


19. Convert your hall into a videogame plaza and play through the night!

If your boyfriend is a video game junkie then this is a super-awesome idea. You could rent a few consoles or have his friends bring over their consoles to your (or his) house and have a smashing video game night!

19 Birthday ideas for your boyfriend

20. Leave him a ticket to a surprise destination, and a note telling him to follow your lead…

Call him to wish him a happy birthday at 12 and then reveal to him the location of your ticket. Leave him instructions on how to get on the plane/ train/ bus. As he travels, you can read a cool set-up for a party along with his friends, who he has no idea will be there!

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21. Send him a greeting card or a handwritten letter every day of his birthday month!

This is cliched but oh-so-sweet! You could send him quotes, poems or plain simple words written by you. This is bound to make him very happy!

22. Get his favourite author to sign a copy for him!

If he is a book person, then there is bound to be one book he simply adores. Get him a signed copy of that book and he will not be able to stop smiling from ear to ear.

22 Birthday ideas for your boyfriend

23. Sparty away with him!

Sparty – as in a spa party! A few spas will allow groups of people to enjoy the spa experience together in various ways. See if you can find one around you and get spartying!


24. The good old PJ party with some shots to spice up the night!

Another good old classic but always makes for a fun time! You could also all buy the same customized birthday PJs and party away the night!

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25. Dessert in bed… Ahem!

Well, we don’t need to tell you what this means, right? This literally *never* fails… Ever! *Wink*

25 Birthday ideas for your boyfriend


So, these were the 25 cute things to do for your boyfriend’s birthday. Go and make his special day even more special.

GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

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