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“Why Did You Forgive Him For Cheating On You?” 8 Girls Reveal…

“Why Did You Forgive Him For Cheating On You?” 8 Girls Reveal…

While being in love is the best feeling ever, being cheated on by the person we love can just tear us apart. But, would you ever consider forgiving the person who cheated on you? Would you be able to trust him again? Well, we don’t know about you, but some girls confessed on Whisper why they didn’t leave their partner even after being cheated on. Whisper is a website where you can anonymously confess ANYTHING! Read on to find out what these girls confessed…

1. Because it was a mistake and he has changed now!

1 confessions by girls who got cheated on

2. Because relationships are complicated and I don’t regret staying!

2 confessions by girls who got cheated on

3. Because I needed the money!

3 confessions by girls who got cheated on


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4. Because, even though he cheated, I stood by my vows!

4 confessions by girls who got cheated on

5. Because I want to get back at him!

5 confessions by girls who got cheated on

6. That was the worst decision of my life!

6 confessions by girls who got cheated on


7. Because I used to cry every night… I wasn’t over him!

7 confessions by girls who got cheated on

Also read: What’s Even Better Than Sex?! 6 People Reveal…

8. Because I have also cheated on him!

8 confessions by girls who got cheated on

We found these confessions here.


Would you ever forgive your partner if he cheats on you?

16 Sep 2016

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