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6 Ways To Deal With Unrequited Love (*Hug*)

6 Ways To Deal With Unrequited Love (*Hug*)

Is there anything more painful than brooding over someone who is completely immune to your charm? Hell no!! This is not about Ranveer Singh not responding to the kiss you blow at him on the television screen! This could be a best friend or an office colleague or even your ex for that matter. Sometimes cupid flies in the utmost wrong direction and the result is “Unrequited Love”. The old fashioned way of loving; walking around the streets, writing poems for your beloved or waiting hours just to see a glimpse of him. Okay fine, that sounds a bit too dramatic!

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But in reality, loving someone who has no feelings for you is as devastating as it can get. There is nothing romantic about having feelings for someone knowing they don’t feel the same way for you. Nothing causes as much agony as unreciprocated feelings. William Shakespeare once said Love is the most beautiful of dreams and the worst of nightmares.” Having said that, many of us experience unrequited love in life. Where a crush eventually becomes a crash! But no matter how difficult a situation is, human beings have a brilliant tendency to snap out of it. Here are a few things that can help you cope with the stress you face while trying to get over someone.

1. Acceptance

The law of causing yourself less pain is to accept what you don’t have. If there is nothing you can do about it, LET IT GO! In an age of romantic fictions, we are brainwashed into believing that we will find an everlasting love that will last a lifetime – and that there will be a black and white picture where everything will last forever. Before getting carried away, (reminder for myself too) know that there is a reason why we call them “fiction”. It doesn’t always happen like that in real life. Accept the fact that what is gone is gone, and that there is something better that awaits you.


the unrequited love

2. Goodbye Illusions…

Okay, let’s honestly accept the fact that we make unrealistic stories in our head and expect them to turn out to be real. It is the “hope” of the stories coming true that hurts us more than the fact that they actually never come true. Leave the coulda, woulda, shouldas in life and focus on being in the moment. Too many expectations were never a good thing.

3. Give attention to someone who gives it back to you.

You may not like it as much and it might not give you the butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling, but it’s always good to feel good about yourself and get the attention you’ve been missing all this while! Just as they say, “You have to kiss a few frogs before you meet the Prince”. Go out on dates, meet new people and distract yourself. Who knows when you actually might find someone worth connecting with!

the unrequited love


4. “Unfriend” them on social media for sometime!

It is important to detach yourself from them for a little while. Delete them from Facebook, snapchat, Instagram and all the other social networks you can possibly think of. Sometimes its good to distance yourself from things that hurt you.

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5. There are a lot of fish in the Sea!

Know that you are not in this alone. There are a lot of people who suffer from unrequited love – IT’S OKAY! It’s okay to feel that way, it’s okay to cry and it’s okay to be a recluse for a while. Know that you will get over it and believe that you will find someone who will make you forget all this even happened.

the unrequited love


6. Embrace being single!

Love yourself and love what you do. Know that you have all the right to do everything you desire. Go out shopping, take frequent night outs with your girls (always helps!) and splurge all that money yourself, until someone almost perfect for you walks in!

It is certainly very difficult to argue with your heart, but there is always a way out of everything. You are a fighter in every aspect and can overcome all odds! Believe that destiny has its own humorous way of giving you the best you deserve.

Images: Giphy, Shutterstock

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MUST-READ: How To Stop Loving Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back

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13 May 2016

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