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14 Things You’ll Totally Get If You’re Meeting Boys For Rishtas

14 Things You’ll Totally Get If You’re Meeting Boys For Rishtas

Are you also part of the band wagon where searching and meeting the ideal boy is part of your daily routine? Your parents think it’s time for you to settle down and they are doing everything to ensure that you are in safe hands, the traditional way! Your relatives are actively scouting for a life partner for you and you are having too many mixed emotions to even say anything! Here are certain things you’ll totally get if you are meeting boys in an arranged marriage set-up.

1. You realise the power of the ‘search’ button on the internet.

No body can remain hidden, you just need a name.

1 meeting boys for an arranged marriage

2. Courting is a real thing!

Falling in love with someone after you get engaged is a real thing rather than the reverse.


3. Every conversation with your parents somehow find their way to THIS topic!

Mom: What did you eat for lunch? …Did he call?

4. Everyone in your family has only one thing on their mind.

Every Family Member: When are you giving us the good news?

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5. It is public knowledge that you’re looking for a life partner.

Wondering whether it was published anywhere?


6. Finding creative excuses if you don’t like the guy.

Me: “He was tooooo polite, must be something fishy!” Really? Not.

7. Lots of fancy meals!

Ya, you pick the fanciest places and order the fanciest food! :p

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8. Another reason to go shopping!

Have to meet a new guy, need new clothes! Simple.


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9. Choosing your best-est picture is a task!

Need to send the most favourite one with the bio-data.

10. …But all the guys look SO different in reality!

When you meet the person, they don’t look the same as in the picture they sent you.

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11. You do make an effort to present yourself well.

You, of course, cannot have him say no! ’Cos baby, I’m worth it.

12. Your parents are still trying to figure out what you’re looking for in a guy!

Can the man not have everything? Is it too much to ask?

13. Endless rounds of Q & As.

You don’t know when to stop sometimes. Filtering is recommended until you feel more comfortable chatting with him, so they say!

13 meeting boys for an arranged marriage


14. You try and romanticise the date as much as you can!

You know it’s a setup but no harm making it more serendipitous. Everybody deserves a love story, right?

GIFs: Giphy, Tumblr

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MUST-READ: 11 Things You’ll Only Get If You Had An Arranged Marriage!


MUST-READ: Rishta, Romance, Shaadi: Courtship In An Arranged Marriage!

27 May 2016
good points

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