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20 Signs The Chemistry With Him Is NOT Just In Your Head!

20 Signs The Chemistry With Him Is NOT Just In Your Head!

Yeah yeah, we get it – just being with him in the same room gives you all the feels. And if you were a cartoon character, you would have those red hearts pop out of your eyes! But now you want to know if this is just your mind playing tricks on you or is it really a love story waiting to happen. We may not be scientists, but lucky for you, we are quite the experts in chemistry – we help you decipher if all the signs are indeed real or just imagined!

Signs You Really Have Chemistry With A Guy

Be it sneaked glances or the occasional brush of hands, here are 20 signs that will help you figure out whether you really have chemistry with a guy!

1. He Looks At You A Certain Way

Yeah, you’ve seen him look at others – but this is different! Good different. One of the first signs of chemistry with a guy, this is just the beginning.

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2. He Just Seems To Get You

Like in the most simple, benign ways – he understands what you’re saying.

3. He Laughs His Most Genuine, Throaty Laughter When You Say Something Funny!

He doesn’t laugh at your every joke, but when he does it’s sooooo adorable! One of the very first signs that determine that you have intense mutual chemistry with him!

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4. He Often Texts Just When You Are Thinking About Him

Of course, it helps that you are thinking about him almost ALL the time. But still, that’s got to be serendipity, right?


5. You’ve Heard Him Talk To Other People – He Just Talks To You A Little Differently

He’s calm, attentive, interested – we’ll take that as a sign!

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6. He’s Always Finding Reasons To Talk To You!

One of the biggest tell-tale signs – it only shows he’s as into you as you are into him! This one is definitely on our list of mutual chemistry signs!  

7. Others Have Started Noticing And Asking Questions

Now, typically, your friends can’t be trusted in these matters. But even others have started noticing there’s something there. In fact, people have even mistaken the two of you to be a couple, more than once!


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8. He Checks On You From Time To Time

If the guy didn’t care about you, he wouldn’t be checking on you. Simple! This is definitely one of those sure shot signs that determine you have a chemistry with a guy!

9. There’s An Ease With Which The Banter Between You Two Flows

You are your most comfortable and witty self around him. That’s crackling chemistry, right there!

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10. But He Also Loves To Listen!

Even if you are on a rant about something that happened in the day and about life being so unfair. Yup, when a guy can hear you patiently while you go on talking, it’s definitely a sign that he’s interested in you!

11. You Two Find Excuses To Spend Time Together

When you are attracted to someone, but things are still unofficial, it’s quite natural to want to slyly find ways to spend time with them or talk to them. If this is being reciprocated – it’s excellent news!

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12. You Don’t Feel Like You Are The ONLY One Who Is Interested

He makes sure that you don’t feel like you are chasing him. He also gives you hints and signals – making sure there’s a balance in the equation!


13. He Likes To Involve You In The Little Details Of His Day

Even if the two of you have no real reason to connect in the day, he likes to keep you posted! Even if it is through seemingly insignificant updates – he’s making an effort.

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14. His Behaviour Is Pretty Consistent!

This is the best part – it’s not blow hot, blow cold. He doesn’t keep changing the way he talks to you, no matter who is around! If you’re wondering about how to know you have chemistry with a guy, then this is it!

15. Indirect Conversations Have Happened

Yes, the biggest sign of all – you guys have had indirect conversations about life, love, dating, future plans etc. This surely means you are not imagining the chemistry between you and him – it’s just the beginning of a beautiful love story waiting to happen!


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16. You Get Each Other’s Sense Of Humour

Sense of humour is something that is so difficult to be on the same page with, what with all the different personality types out there! But if you and your guy friend get each other’s sense of humour, then it is a sure shot sign that something great is going on between the two of you!

17. You Are Super Comfortable Around Him

One of the sure shot signs to judge whether you have chemistry with a guy is by noticing your own reaction when he’s around, and no we’re not just talking about butterflies in the stomach! If you are also supremely comfortable around him, then rest assured that there is definitely something going on between the two of you!

18. You Can Be Yourself!

Real chemistry is when you don’t have to pretend about being all high and mighty and can just be yourself around that guy. When you’ve achieved that, you’ll know you have real chemistry with a guy!


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19. Your Conversations Flow Naturally!

One of the sure shot signs that you have chemistry with a guy is that the conversations between the two of you flow extremely effortlessly. Not only does it make you guys totally exclusive, but it also means that the two of you share something that no one else does!

20. The Two Of You Are Totally Captivated

No, we’re not talking about gazing into each other’s eyes hopelessly, but of a more organic connection in which the two of you are effortlessly drawn towards each other. Even though you might have just exchanged a few words, you feel that there is really something brewing between you two! So now that you know about all the signs that can help you determine whether you have chemistry with a guy, go ahead and ask him out!.



MUST-READ: How To Tell If He’s Looking For A Serious Relationship

MUST-READ: How To Take That Flirtationship Further (You KNOW You Want To)

05 May 2016

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