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Topics to talk about with your crush

117 Interesting Questions To Ask Your Crush For Keeping The Conversation Interesting And Fun!

You know those butterflies you get in your stomach when you bump into your crush? Yes, they are the best. You can’t concentrate on anything and all you do is a daydream. You find yourself wanting to know more and more about them and ask them a million questions to understand them better. And while it might be tempting to be super direct, when it comes to how to chat with crush, you might want to pace yourself!

So how do you do it subtly? Well, we’ve made a list of cute topics to talk about with your crush during late-night conversations to help you get to know them better. It wouldn’t seem like you’re making too much of an effort, as these questions can very easily be a part of daily conversation and help maintain (and advance) the flow of conversation! Our collection also includes some questions to ask your crush to see if they like you.

But be prepared, some of these questions are likely to boomerang back to you! All in all, our list of questions to ask your crush will make for a great way to get to know each other and build a good foundation for your future (fingers crossed) relationship! Not just that, we’ve even listed a few tips to keep the conversation with crush flowing easily!

Topics to Talk About with Your Crush (Questions to Ask Your Crush)

Let’s face it, you can’t always talk about love and cheesy things with your crush, because who in the world does that anyway? So we’ve brought some things to talk about with your crush & conversation starters that will help you in understanding your crush better!


A Family Affair

Asking questions to your crush about his family will allow you to gain more insight into the person he is at home and the kind of family he comes from – it’s never too early to ask questions about the people he loves! And on top of that, when it comes to how to keep the conversation going with your crush, talking about family is always a safe bet!

questions to ask your crush

  • Are you close to your parents?
  • Do you have siblings?
  • How did your parents meet?
  • What’s your nickname at home?
  • How often do you see your extended family? Do they all live in India?
  • Do you enjoy meeting with your extended family?
  • Who are you close to most? Your mother or your father?
  • Who is your favourite grandparent?
  • What do you and your family do on a holiday to spend time together?
  • Are you close to any of your cousins?
  • Name one movie you can choose to watch for the rest of your life?
  • Talking about being thankful, what are you thankful for as a person?

Also Read :About Few Tips On How To Talk To Boys

topics to talk with crush

Interests and Hobbies

Figuring out what his hobbies are will allow you to see what kind of things you two have in common, and will give you a great anchor point when it comes to chatting with crush! Plus, it’s a light-hearted way of finding out more about him and the stuff that makes him happy.

  • What’s your favourite quote from a movie or a TV show?
  • Are you into sports?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • What’s the last book you read and were blown away by?
  • When’s your birthday? What do you know about your sun sign?
  • If there was no money involved, what is the one thing you’d love to spend your time doing?
  • What kind of movies do you like?
  • Who is your favourite actor/actress and why?

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questions to ask your crush - koffee with karan

  • What do you love to do in your free time?
  • Do you like sports? Which is your favourite one?
  • What is your guilty pleasure?
  • Are you a Marvel fan or a DC fan, or neither?
  • Which is your favourite PS4 game to play?
  • Which football club do you support?
  • What is your pet peeve?
  • If you could get an all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere in the world, what would that place be?
  • What excites you more, beaches or mountains?
  • Do you prefer to go out in the evening or stay at home and chill?
  • Which Game of Thrones character do you support?

                                             Also Read: Emojis Guys Use When They Love You

Love Is In The Air

Some of these questions are the ones you will be dying to know the answers to because they are the ones that will help you figure out if you should be looking at a relationship or not and what his past relationships have been like.


However, don’t indulge too much in the information you receive about the past – look forward instead, and appreciate that he does have a romantic side to him! Nonetheless, these are an effortless solution for how to start a conversation with crush on Whatsapp. Check out the things to talk about with your crush –

  • What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done?
  • Why did you and your ex break up?
  • Have you ever been in love?

questions to ask your crush - courteney cox

  • What did you think of me the first time we met?
  • What’s your idea of a perfect date night?
  • Do you believe in the idea of soul mates?
  • What according to you should be the most important thing in a relationship?
  • What qualities do you look for in a future partner?
  • Do you believe in love on the first night?
  • Do you think that love could ever culminate in friendship?
  • What do you see when you look at me?
  • What is your idea of a perfect date?

Dreams and Desires

When it comes to topics to talk about with your crush, these questions are great to see what kind of person your potential beau wants to become. It’s a nice way to see what his ambitions and aspirations are, and also to see if you want similar things out of life! Have a look on topics to talk with crush –

  • If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why?
  • What’s the one thing you want to achieve in life?
  • If you could sum up your philosophy/mantra for life in one sentence, what would it be?
  • If you could live in the city of your choice, where would it be?

topics to talk about with your crush

  • If a genie came to you and granted you three wishes, what would you ask for?
  • If you could just take six months off from your daily routine, what would you do in that time?
  • What’s the accomplishment you’re most proud of?
  • Have you figured out what you would want to do in life?
  • What is that one thing that you’re trying to achieve in your career?
  • Do you believe in the idea of ‘love what you do’?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • Have I made you blush?

Memory Box

Getting to know someone’s past means them having to dig through their minds to answer your questions – it will act as a bonding exercise for both of you and establish a certain level of trust! So you don’t need to worry about questions to ask your crush on whatsapp when you have these handy questions with you!

  • Where did you grow up?
  • Are you still in touch with a lot of your school friends?
  • What’s your most vivid/first memory as a child?
  • What’s the naughtiest/most embarrassing thing you did as a kid?

questions to ask your crush while texting

  • Do you ever wish you had done something differently?
  • If you could turn back time and go back to one phase of your life, what would that phase be?
  • Which is your fondest childhood memory?
  • If there is one thing you could have done differently, what would be it?
  • Do you remember a recurring dream you used to have during your childhood?
  • What was your favourite toy when you were young?
  • Have you ever thrown a tantrum in front of your parents publicly as a child?
  • Tell me one stupidest thing you have done in your life?
  • Tell me one memory you cherish from childhood?

Daily Dilemmas

Ranging from the mundane to the existential – questions like these force your crush to think and respond. It will allow you to get some insight into the way his brain thinks and will act as a good conversation starter for more abstract discussions, instead of having to talk about the tangible everyday life! So you can always rely on these When it comes to how to chat with crush, it is important to remember that the key is to avoid awkward pauses. Since you’re both relatively unknown to each other (at least in most cases), sometimes you’ll find that there is a lull in the conversation. Don’t worry ‘coz we’ve got you covered, sister! Here are tips to know how to start a conversation with your crush on whatsapp. Don’t forget to brainstorm for some funny questions to ask your crush. 

  • Do you like dogs or cats?
  • Would you rather be rich or famous?
  • Do you think it’s better to beg for forgiveness or ask for permission?
  • If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would do with the money?

interesting questiong to ask crush

  • What do you think the future is going to be like?
  • Chicken or the egg, which one do you really think came first?
  • Do you think the end justifies the means?
  • Where do you think a line should be drawn between self-love and self-harm?
  • Do you believe political correctness sometimes compromises honesty?
  • What do you believe is the one cardinal sin anyone could ever commit?
  • Can you keep it a secret?
  • Are you always scared or not?

Flirty Things To Text

If you think your crush is even a little bit into you, you can always flirt. Don’t worry about being the first one to make a move. So here are some cute things to text your crush to make him smile.

  • I don’t have anything to say but I really wanted to talk to you, so… Hey!
  • My pet wanted you to know that he’s missing you!
  • If you want to make a move on me, now would be a perfectly good time to do that.
  • Hey stranger, can you stop being a stranger?

questions to ask your crush on chat- beyonce

  • You’ve been on my mind a lot today and it’s only 10 am!
  • Hey, I’ve been having hiccups. Can you stop thinking about me so much?
  • Where do you think all these warm fuzzy feelings come from?
  • I don’t know about love at first sight, but I’m pretty sure that crush at first sight definitely exists!
  • Wanna grab a cup of coffee and cheesy conversations later?
  • You must be tired, for you’ve been running in my mind all day!
  • I think that the way your eyes crinkle when you smile is really cute!
  • Don’t you think that we should catch up more often?
  • Talking with you has become the best part of my day!
  • I really had a great time with you yesterday!
  • I don’t know why it’s so hard to keep you off my mind.
  • Nobody gets me like you do.
  • Come over. Now. Nobody is here except me.

Work Work Work

Work is an important part of everyone’s life. After all, you spend half of your day at work/college. So to get to know them, it’s always a good idea to ask them about their work. They’ll also be excited to tell you about the same!

  • Is your job mentally satisfying?
  • What are the people at your workplace like?
  • What did you like studying the most? Is that linked to your job?

funny things to ask your crush on whatsapp

  • If not this, what else can you see yourself doing?
  • What are your long term plans, career-wise?
  • Do you think that you’re made for a 9-5 job?
  • Do you look forward to your days at work?
  • Do you and your colleagues share a fun relationship?
  • Do you think that there should be more to life than just working?
  • Do you ever see yourself becoming a workaholic?
  • Are you satisfied with your current career graph or do you want to get more out of it?
  • How do you deal with tough deadlines?
  • Do you ever see yourself starting up a venture of your own?
  • Are you in the mood of going for a career switch?
  • What does a normal day at the workplace look like for you?
  • Who is your number one supporter at work?
  • How do you handle work pressure?
  • Whats’s your favourite thing to do after work?
  • Do you enjoy working in a team?
  • What do you like about your job?

Here’s the list of topics to talk about with your crush & questions you can ask your crush while chating with him for first time.

GIFs: Giphy

MUST-READ: Want To Text Your Crush At Night? Here’s How To Start!
MUST-READ: How To Talk To Boys (11 Simple Steps) 
MUST-READ: Crush Meaning in Hindi

05 May 2016

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