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Daddy’s Girl: 15 Ways To Make Him Smile This Father’s Day!

Our dads have done so much for us over the years. From those hazy memories we have of our childhood in which our dad was our hero, to our growing up years when he was our guiding light and friend, and now – when he is everything we need him to be and be more! For all that our dads do for us and all that they are to us, here are a few simple and sweet ways to brighten up his day this Father’s Day!

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1. Get up early, before him and accompany him on his morning walk. 2. Make him tea just the way he likes it. Without him asking you to. fathers day tea 3. Arrange his newspaper – open it to the page with his favourite columnist. 4.Ditch that #IWokeUpLikeThis selfie and do a #DadAndMe-fie! fathers day selfie 5. Play a round of his favourite sport with him! This is bound to give you some amazing quality time together!

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6. Just sit down and talk to him and tell him about your life. You were daddy’s little girl once – he wants to know what you’re up to now! fathers day advice

7. Frame your favourite picture of the two of you and put it up in your room – if you haven’t already!

8. Discuss your future with him and actually pay attention when he talks. Realizing that you value his advice will make his day. 🙂

Fathers Day Captions fathers day lecture 9. Make him one of his favourite things for breakfast. Even if it’s dessert. (Do NOT bring up cholesterol.) 10. Go on, give him company, and watch that very intense war movie he’s been going on about for the last two weeks. fathers day movie 11. You know all those old tapes of you and your dad from your childhood? Convert them into DVDs and gift it him! Nothing like reminiscing about the good old childhood days with your dad. 12. Let him have control of the remote, even if he just flicks through every channel! fathers day remote 13. Let the radio be on that station he loves, which plays all of his favourite songs. Let him have his way on his day! 14. Just be around. Our dads love having us around, even if it is to grumble at us all day long. fathers day got 15. Tell him you love him – today and every day! fathers day cool dad


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